Here they are! This is the other set that Rhonda asked us to create for her business students, 4 of the logos from Microsoft Office...Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Access. These were a bit of a challenge but we were so happy with the results...and so was she!
Initially when we looked over the logos and were trying to figure how to create them in cookie form, I figured maybe we should just make squares and just do the inner part of the design forgoing the outside color border. But Anjell said, 'We can do it!" We sketched and tried different thing and in the end it worked! Anjell made stencils of each logo and got to baking. She hand cut each and every premade cookie cutters for this batch!
Then we got to work mixing colors, trying to match them best we could. Mixing colors is an interesting science and requires much patience at times. Often it takes quite some time to let the colors develop and many times they turn into something completely different than what you were going for. In the case of these colors, it took some time but thankfully, the colors developed and dried to the perfect shades we were looking for.
Here are the finished products side by side with the actual logos we based them off of...
Pretty good huh?!
These took an all night session, decorating till about 6 am, but it was worth it. We were able to not only push ourselves to create something great but had a very happy, satisfied customer! Once the finishing touches were applied and dried, such as the white border that really pulled them together and made them look like a complete set, we packed them up and delivered them the next morning about an hour before the first class was to start.
Rhonda loved them! In fact heres a picture she took of the cookies in her class....
This was a fun, challenging, rewarding set to make. We learned a lot and feel like it help us to grow and also gave us a little more confidence to just go for it!
We've been busy, busy this week...with orders and projects so stayed tuned for more posts soon :) Thanks again for visiting and for all the support!!