Thursday, February 24, 2011


Well.........when I saw the invitation for my sister-in-law (to be's) bridal shower, it stated that she loved Victoria Secret PINK
Well, what could be better than BUYING Victoria Secret?  I say BAKING it!
And that's exactly what I did!

And what could be better than WEARING Victoria SecretEATING it! 
Maybe that's my opinion but it sounds fun right? 

Tahitian Vanilla Bean with Royal Icing

And so here they are, never to be seen again, because from the sounds of it,
my sis-in-law LOVED how they tasted!
So much so, she's requested the same recipe for the wedding in a couple of weeks!
STAY TUNED FOR THOSE........................................


  1. Panty cookies. How cute!

  2. Those are hilarious! Did you find panty/bra cookie cutters?

  3.'s actually bikini swimsuit cutters :)And a sunglasses cutter too


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