Lesa, my awesome hair stylist :) asked me to make some cookies for one of her friends/clients. Lesa, and many others, call her Miss. Bunny! She is a retired school teacher and the kids had a hard time saying her real name. So she asked them what they wanted to call her and they said Bunny...and it stuck! So here are some special cookies made just for Miss. Bunny!!
This was first attempt at bunnies and they were lots of fun. I went back and forth with to use whiskers or not and ended up with out. The whiskers kinda made it look like a funky cat instead of a bunny...lol! I also played a little with the words. The top right hand bunny has "fuzzy" letters. I used clear sanding sugar for that one. I tried some nonpareils for the tail but preferred the clear sanding sugar there as well.
Lesa said the cookies were a hit and well received :) Another successful batch and happy recipient :)