Tuesday, October 4, 2011

School Buses

I recently saw a great post by Loren of The Baking Sheet where she made some great Back to School- School Bus Cookies out of heart shaped cookies. I am so impressed by her creativity and I immediately filed that away in my "cookies to try someday" memory bank! I figured they would be a great gift for my kids bus driver, Kimo, at the end of the school year.

And then...we found out we were moving! We are staying in the same town but moving to a great new house, 2 story, yard, garage, more room, double oven, long counter top and wait...yes! I said DOUBLE OVEN!!! Can you believe it?! I have been dying for one of those!!! I'm SO EXCITED!! When we went to look at the house the first time and I noticed the oven my husband said..."Yup! She's sold!!" LOL..he knows me so well :)

I could go on and on about this awesome house but thats for another time...LOL...back to the cookies!

ANYWAYS...so there I was Monday afternoon, realizing that it was going to be the last week the kids were riding the bus because this week they have Fall Intersession and next week we are moving closer to the school where there is no bus service...so...the cookies needed to be made..NOW!! And thats just what I did...

I decided that hearts, while super adorable, might not be the right fit for Kimo, since he's a guy :) Cristin from  Cristin's Cookies  has recently been making such cute cookies with her rectangle cutter which reminded me that I recently also ordered the same cutter from CopperGifts.com. I ordered them after Callye from Sugarbelle's posted a great blog on Scalloped Round Cookie Cutters. I ordered the cutter she recommended, the Scalloped Edge Oval #4192 and then also ordered the Scalloped  Edge Rectangle #3472. The rectangle was prefect for a bus!

So Thursday afternoon, when the kids arrived home, my oldest daughter and I were there waiting at the bus stop and presented Kimo with his "Thank You for being a Great Bus Driver!" Cookies! He was shocked that the cookies actually looked like a bus and thought they were great!! The next day, Friday, the kids final day on the bus, he gave them some cute school bus book marks as thanks yous and farewells. 

The kids will miss Kimo and so will I...everyday for the rest of the school year when I get in my car and drive to school to pick them up! 


1 comment:

  1. SUPER cute cookies Ka'ala! Love the school buses and I'm sure your school bus driver was so excited and appreciative for your thoughtfulness. Congrats on the new house! How exiting! A double oven would be heaven for such a baking gal! I use my scallop edge cookie cutters more than any of the others. Glad you're enjoying them!


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